Manifesto for README Files in Software Development

Every developer should be able to
Set up and Run application locally using a
Simple README file.

Copy Template README Files

Default README

We are open-source, you can add your readme files 👉 github

# Project Name

## Description
A brief description of what the project does and its purpose.

## Tech Stack
- **Programming Languages**: List of languages
- **Frameworks**: List of frameworks
- **Libraries**: List of libraries
- **Databases**: List of databases used
- **Others**: Any other tech components

## Pre-Requisites
List of specific versions of software artifacts to have set up to be able to 
install & run project locally. For example:
- node v20.0
- docker v7.2.1
- docker-compose v6.1.0            
## Installation Guide
1. **Clone the repository**: `git clone`
2. **Navigate to the directory**: `cd yourproject`
3. **Install dependencies**: something like `npm install`
4. **Set up environment variables**: Provide details on how to set them up
5. **Others**: Any other installation step

## Running the Project Locally
1. **Start the development server**: something like `npm run start`
2. **Access the application**: `http://localhost:3000` or relevant URL
3. **Others**: Any other running step

## Usage
- **Examples**: Provide usage examples and screenshots
- **API Documentation**: Details of API endpoints
- **Functional Flow**: Details of business logic flows in application                    

Created with 🩶 by Archil